New beginnings…

January 7, 2012 § 1 Comment

New Years Eve is ridiculously overrated but we celebrate it anyways. Not that I didn’t celebrate it or anything, on the contrary. But at a moment on that night you look back and ask yourself “did I have a good year?”. That is also around the same time where people decide to create new years resolutions: do better in school, excel harder at work, be a better friend, be a better son/daughter, be a more patient mother/father, be a perfect lover, treat my body like its my temple, eat healthier, smoke less, drink less, exercise more, read more books, start a blog… or just keep the party  going.

So im still trying to figure out how exactly I am going to structure this blog, here’s there 411 on what I will be  blogging about:

Social events: launch of this,

Food: where to go, what to eat, what to order

Music: new artists, new tracks,

Interesting internet finds

Must see movies / TV shows

Reviews on concerts / entertainment

Quotes… maybe? let’s see. I don’t want to bore you.

Another reason why I started a blog was because I have been asked repeatedly by my friends to get on with it. I retain information, what’s what, and whose where, doing what and doing who. You can make fun of me all you want (at a later stage) but I’ve been called Google a few times #Fail. And with the right push from @nohawagih and after seeing @naseemfaqihi‘s food blog Dubai Foodie (check it out and drool), I was like, why not. Let’s show these people my Slice Ov Life.

Where Am I?

You are currently browsing entries tagged with better friend at SLICE Ov LIFE.